Thursday, February 19, 2009

Book Buzzzzzzzzz

Clan Apis by Jay Hosler is a great read. Apis means bee and it is a graphic novel about the life of a bee. Along the way you'll learn lots of fascinating facts about bees but I promise you won't be bored. The illustrations are fun, the dialogue is entertaining and everyone should read this book. Really, I was following Mrs. Benson around the house on our snow day telling her she should read it... but I took it to the classroom for you instead of leaving it for her (she didn't seem that interested now that I think about it).

Nyuki upon learning how metamorphosis works... "I was scared before you told me what to expect, now I'm terrified... I didn't want to know that I'm gonna get scrambled from the inside out!"


  1. suup olson=].
    cool weird book:P.
    heheh. umm yeah i joined
    the HS].umm thought of
    comment your blog.lata
